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To achieve the 96 strategic objectives of Saudi Arabia's national Vision 2030, and according to the Council of Economic and Development Affairs (CEDA).

They established 13 Vision Realization Programs (VRPs). Each VRP comprises a series of initiatives and delivery plans, guided by pre-defined objectives and KPI's tied to 5-year milestones.

based on the VRP delivery plans PTCCE are required to adhere to rigorous standards of accountability and transparency defined by the Vision's governance framework.
  1. Quality of Life Program
  2. Financial Sector Development Program
  3. Housing Program
  4. Fiscal Balance Program
  5. National Transformation Program
  6. Public Investment Fund Program
  7. Privatization Program
  8. National Companies Promotion Program
  9. National Industrial Development and Logistics Program
  10. Strategic Partnership Program
  11. Hajj and Omrah Program
  12. Human Capital Development Program
  13. National Character Enrichment Program